At this year's From Business to Buttons our CEO Kjell Persson will take the stage to talk about how to design smarter cities.
Our CEO Kjell Persson is right now working in Denver, with Panasonic, to help City of Denver become a smarter and more sustainable city. He has been there since this autumn and is involved in several projects to create great sustainable digital solutions and services.
Designing Denver
For From Business to Buttons on April 15th we called him home to Sweden and invited him to share the Denver story on stage. At the conference he will be talking about how to design sustainable cities. He will share his experiences from working with Panasonic and the City of Denver on the implementation of a process to create impactful projects that can be well executed. Key in the Denver approach is the use of Impact Management and Service Design at the highest decision level.
First hand knowledge
You will learn how we, as designers, can go from idea – to project – in the smart city era and which tools we can use to be a part of the change. You will get first hand-information from an enormous project that has the potential to change a whole city.
No ticket yet? Buy it before April 11th when we close ticket sales. You can check out rates and the detailed program for the day on our conference site.