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3 fabulous workshops!


You'll get fantastic speakers at the From Business to Buttons. But there's more to it. The following day there will be 3 fabulous workshops!

Get your workshop tickets now!

The day after the speakers have held their amazing keynotes the 27 April, there will be three workshops. Jaime Levy, Mike Monteiro and Eric A. Meyer will give you the possibility to learn more.

Eric A.Meyer helps us to be able to design for situations that aren't perfect. To make our perfectly-tuned creations to function when it comes into contact with real, complex humans, in all sorts of unexpected situations. Designing for real life, is the name of the workshop.

As always, Mike Monteiro is straightforward. In his Presenting Work LIke Your LIfe Depends On It we understand that good ideas, even the best ideas, need to be sold. You'll get to truly challenge your presentation skills. 

The third workshop is held by Jaime Levy. And it's all about strategy. A fundamental way for you as a designer. A method by which you validate that your solution actually solves a problem for real customers in a dynamic marketplace. The workshop is simply called User Experience Strategy.

Conference ticket? Workshop tickets? Right here!

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