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Five reasons why your boss should come to From Business to Buttons


Your boss should come… To get the inside scoop on Hyperloop, to meet Airbnb’s Design Director, to listen to the man who wrote the book on business models, to hear about how design improvements saved Intuit half a million bucks, because Harvard Business Review puts Design Thinking on their cover. Because design IS business.

Get your From Business to Buttons ticket! 

1You’ve heard about Hyperloop, Elon Musk’s science fiction-flavoured supersonic tunnel drive…?

We have Hyperloop’s user experience director, Jamie Levy, to talk about how they developed the concept of how to travel with it,

Your boss should come:

If she want’s to brag about having had first-hand info on the world’s most futuristic "science fiction coming true"-project. Ever.

Your boss should come:

If she works with any kind of passenger transport. Why shouldn’t it be as cool to enter Citybanan or Pågatågen as to enter Hyperloop?


2How many articles about doing business today has she read that includes the exact words “companies like AirBnB”? (Google has +1100 ones from Dagens Industri, Dagens Nyheter, Dagens Media, Dagens Samhälle, and others.)

Well, we have AirBnB’s design director, Katie Dill, directly responsible for creating the experience that has made millions of users worldwide returning to the service again and again.

Your boss should come:

If she thinks the inside story of a company that grew from zero to one million customers in three years could hold some valuable lessons.

Your boss should come:

If she heard so many talks about companies in the sharing economy, and wants to listen to the actual company that defines the entire category.


3Just tell your boss Alexander Osterwalder is coming. If she says “Who?”, tell her he wrote the book on business models. Yep, he wrote Business Model Generation: A Handbook For Visionaries, Game Changers, And Challengers– called  “one of the 12 best business books of all time” by USA Today.

Your boss should come:

If she’s heard about the Business Model Canvas.

Your boss should come:

In the (unlikely) event that she has never heard about the Business Model Canvas. (In order not to be an embarrassment to her fellow executives, and possibly risk being ostracised at the golf club.)


4Your boss says: But it’s a conference about design, why should I go there? Well, tell her that since Harvard Business Review did put Design thinking on their cover it could be a cool idea.

Your boss should come:

Did we say Harvard Business Review? (Actually, we could say McKinsey, BlombergBusinessWeek and Forbes, too.)

Your boss should come:

"Executives are using this approach to devise strategy and manage change". 



5But is there any money in this design stuff, your boss asks?
Encourage her to come and listen to Dawn Ressel from Intuit. Dawn will show how improved design literally overnight saved  $560 000.

Your boss should come:

Because half a million bucks is even more when converted to SEK.

Your boss should come:

Because design is business.

Get your From Business to Buttons ticket!

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