Third time's a charm? That may be the case with Kim Goodwin who is a speaker at From Business to Buttons for the third time. As one of the most appreciated speakers the last two times, we are truly looking forward to her talk on Tuesday.
Hello Kim Goodwin, we are excited to have you at From Business to Buttons, for the third time! You made a very appreciated talk last year. Your session this year, and your workshop, revolves around journey mapping, what’s your definition of Journey Mapping?
– A journey map is a representation of a user’s or a persona’s interaction with your product or service, from start to finish. It includes information about what that user does, thinks, feels, and wants at each step along the way. You can make journey maps into beautiful design artefacts, but I find they’re more accessible tools when you use a basic table format.
In what way is journey mapping a powerful tool for service design?
– So many ways! One is what the user thinks is the beginning, middle, or end of the journey might not be things your product or service covers at all. Journey maps are incredibly easy tools for identifying gaps and bad transition points.
How did you get into UX, how did it all start?
– Years ago, when “multimedia” was a new word, I was working at a little health software startup doing illustration and animation…which was very much a challenge in 16 colours. The engineers said, “Hey, you could make our UI not ugly!” I was sure I could help. Of course, it didn’t take long before I realized there was a lot I didn’t know! Thankfully, there was a field called HCI (Human Computer Interaction) that I could learn from.
This is your third time at fb2b, what can we expect from you at stage?
– Hmmm…I think I’ve spoken about design leadership and culture both times previously. This time, I’ll be more focused on tools for doing the work: bringing the team together about the design problem and defining what you could do to fix it.
Thank you Kim, we will see you Tuesday.